Highland Cow vs. Dairy & Beef Cows: Beyond the Moo

Highland Cow vs. Dairy & Beef Cows: Beyond the Moo

adminadmin June 22, 2024 Local Information

Cows, those familiar faces in pastures worldwide, come in a variety of breeds, each with unique characteristics. The majestic Highland cow stands out from the crowd, both in appearance and purpose, compared to typical dairy and beef cattle. Let’s explore the key differences that make these

The Isle of Lewis’ Cunning Companion: The Hooded Crow

The Isle of Lewis’ Cunning Companion: The Hooded Crow

adminadmin June 20, 2024 Local Information

The Isle of Lewis, a windswept tapestry of rugged beauty, is home to an array of fascinating wildlife. Often overlooked amidst the dramatic landscapes and iconic seabirds are the hooded crows, these intelligent and adaptable corvids that grace the island with their presence. Island Icons in Black

Masters of the Mollusk: Unveiling the Oystercatcher

Masters of the Mollusk: Unveiling the Oystercatcher

adminadmin June 19, 2024 Local Information

Few birds capture the essence of the coastline quite like the oystercatcher. With their bold black and white plumage, bright orange bills, and piercing calls, they are a familiar sight on beaches and rocky shores around the world. But these charismatic birds are more than just striking visuals –

The Gulf Stream: Bringing Sunshine to Scotland

The Gulf Stream: Bringing Sunshine to Scotland

adminadmin June 17, 2024 Scotland

The weather in Scotland is famous for being, well, unpredictable. But there’s a hidden hero behind the scenes keeping things milder than they otherwise would be: the Gulf Stream. This mighty ocean current acts like a giant underwater heater, bringing warmth all the way from the tropics to

Where does the name Ness come from?

Where does the name Ness come from?

adminadmin March 10, 2024 Local Information

The word “ness” in the context of Scottish geography, and more broadly in Northern European regions, has its origins in Old Norse. The term comes from the Old Norse word “nes,” which means “headland” or “promontory.” This reflects the geographic