How’s Stornoway black pudding made?

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How’s Stornoway black pudding made?

admin admin June 26, 2023 Things to See & Do

Stornoway Black Pudding is a traditional Scottish delicacy that is made using a combination of ingredients and a specific cooking process. Here’s a general overview of how Stornoway Black Pudding is traditionally made:


  • 250g beef suet (or fat)
  • 250g oatmeal
  • 250g onions, finely chopped
  • 250g pork back fat (or pork belly), finely chopped
  • 200g pork blood (fresh or dried)
  • Seasonings: salt, pepper, and spices (such as nutmeg and cloves)


  1. Begin by preparing the ingredients. Finely chop the onions and pork back fat or pork belly. Ensure that the oatmeal is of the correct texture and consistency for the black pudding.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the beef suet, oatmeal, onions, pork back fat or pork belly, and the seasonings. Mix everything together until well combined. You can adjust the seasonings to your taste preferences.
  3. Gradually add the pork blood to the mixture while continuously stirring. This is what gives the black pudding its distinctive dark color. The blood acts as a binding agent.
  4. Once all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, spoon the mixture into casings. Traditionally, natural hog casings are used, but synthetic casings can also be used as an alternative.
  5. Tie off the casings at both ends, ensuring they are securely sealed and there are no air pockets inside. This will help the black pudding maintain its shape during cooking.
  6. Fill a large pot with water and bring it to a gentle simmer. Carefully place the black pudding in the pot, ensuring they are fully submerged.
  7. Let the black pudding simmer gently for around an hour. This cooking process ensures the pudding is fully cooked and the flavors meld together.
  8. Once cooked, carefully remove the black pudding from the pot and allow them to cool slightly.
  9. The black pudding can be enjoyed immediately or stored for future use. It can be eaten as part of a traditional Scottish breakfast, added to various dishes, or served on its own as a delicious snack.

Note: The above recipe is a basic guide to making Stornoway Black Pudding. The exact recipes and techniques can vary among producers and households, as there are often family or regional secrets involved in making this delicacy. Stornoway Black Pudding is known for its high-quality ingredients.