Sea life on the Isle of Lewis

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Sea life on the Isle of Lewis

admin admin June 28, 2023 Things to See & Do

The Isle of Lewis, being surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, offers an abundance of diverse sea life for nature enthusiasts and marine lovers to explore. Here are some examples of the sea life that can be seen around the Isle of Lewis:

  1. Seals: Common and grey seals can often be spotted along the rocky shores and beaches of the island. Keep an eye out for them basking in the sun or swimming in the coastal waters.
  2. Dolphins and Porpoises: The waters surrounding the Isle of Lewis are home to several dolphin and porpoise species, including common dolphins, Risso’s dolphins, and harbor porpoises. Keep your eyes peeled for their playful antics and acrobatics as they swim in groups or ride the bow waves of boats.
  3. Basking Sharks: These gentle giants, the second-largest fish in the world, are occasionally spotted off the coast of Lewis. Basking sharks migrate to the area in search of food during the summer months. Witnessing their massive presence in the water is an awe-inspiring experience.
  4. Whales: The waters around the Isle of Lewis are known for whale sightings. Common whale species include minke whales and humpback whales. During certain times of the year, lucky visitors might even catch a glimpse of orcas (killer whales) passing through the area.
  5. Shellfish: The rocky coastline of the Isle of Lewis offers an abundance of shellfish, including various types of crabs, lobsters, and edible mollusks such as scallops and mussels. Exploring rock pools during low tide can reveal a colourful array of marine life, including sea anemones, starfish, and small fish species.